To support our partners in the transition to holding all classes online in response to COVID-19 the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium has compiled relevant recorded lessons to be utilized in class discussions:

Topic Speaker Date
Training and Education on:
– Actinide Chemistry
– Environmental Radiochemistry/Bioassay
– Nuclear Fuel Cycle
– Nuclear Forensics
– Environmental and Regulatory Radiochemistry
– Radiopharmaceuticals
National Analytical Management Program Ongoing
Protactinium Production in Leading Thorium Fuel Cycles Eva Uribe, SNL 4/9/2021
A journey from 0.5 km underground to 36,000 km above Earth Caleb Roecker, LANL 4/7/2021
Career Paths in Nuclear Engineering: Supporting the Global Nonproliferation Regime Karen Miller, LANL 3/31/2021
Current Activities in Nuclear Nonproliferation and Global Security Morris Hassler, Senior Director, Global Security & Strategic Partnerships for Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC 3/22/2021
Aligning Science and Policy to Address Nuclear Challenges Corey Hinderstein, Vice President of International Fuel Cycle Strategies at the Nuclear Threat Initiative 3/17/2021
Applied Gamma Spectroscopy using InterSpec Will Johnson Staff Physicist at SNL 3/15/2021
Spectroscopic and other analytical methods to study high temperature chemistry David Weisz
Staff Scientist at LLNL
Application of Computer Vision in Gamma-ray Imaging Daniel Hellfeld
Senior Scientific Engineering Associate in the Applied Nuclear Physics program at LBNL
From Nuclear Weapons Policy to Safeguards Sarah Laderman, IAEA 2/9/2021
How to Tell a Story John Mecklin, the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 2/1/2021
NSSC Sponsored Graduate Level Course – “Nuclear Security, The Nexus Between Policy and Technology” Prof. Michael Nacht and Prof. Karl van Bibber Spring 2021
Examining the Cognitive Impacts of Errors from Deep Learning Systems for International Nuclear Safeguards Zoe Gastelum, SNL 11/12/2020
Negotiating the New START Treaty Dr. Mona Dreicer, CGSR, LLNL 11/09/2020
Reactor Monitoring with Antineutrinos Dr. Tomi Akindele, LLNL 10/7/2020
Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy Francis J. Gavin, SAIS-Johns Hopkins University 10/5/2020
Machine Learning approach to Nuclear Threat Detection Dr. Simon Labov, LLNL 9/28/2020
Next-Generation Laser Plasma Spectroscopy Technologies for Nuclear Security Dr. Vassilia Zorba, LBNL 9/14/2020
Nondestructive Assay for International Safeguards Dr. Alexis Trahan, LANL 8/5/2020
Containment/Surveillance Dr. Heidi Smartt, SNL 8/4/2020
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni, UCB 8/2020
The International Nonproliferation Regime (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Laura Rockwood, Director at Open Nuclear Network 8/2020
Safeguarding Nuclear Material: Monitoring and Verification (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Dr. Mark Schanfein, Senior Nonproliferation Advisor at Idaho National Laboratory 8/2020
Nuclear Weapons 101 (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Dr. John Scott, LANL 8/2020
Nuclear Policy and Deterrence (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Dr. Susan J. Koch, Independent Consultant and Distinguished Research Fellow at the National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction 8/2020
Nuclear Challenges from Russia (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Dr. Celeste Wallander, President and CEO of the U.S. Russia Foundation 8/2020
Arms Control 101 (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 Ambassador Linton Brooks 8/2020
Uranium Metal Dissolution and Phase Separation Experiment Members of the UNLV Radiochemistry PhD Program 6/2020
Ion Exchange of Thorium 232 and its Progeny Isotopes Members of the UNLV Radiochemistry PhD Program 6/2020
Nuclear North Korea Manseok Lee, UCB 4/22/2020
The Iran Case Dr. Michael Nacht, UCB 4/18/2020
21st Century Deterence Dr. Sheryl Hingorani, SNL 4/6/2020
Extended Deterence Dr. Brad Roberts, LLNL 3/30/2020
Origins of International Safeguards Dr. George Moore, MIIS 3/18/2020
Nuclear Weapon Physics Dr. Karl van Bibber, UCB 3/16/2020
Using Data Competitions to Crowdsource Innovative Solutions to Urban Radiation Detection Problems Dr. Christine Anderson-Cook, LANL 3/2/2020
How Close to Doomsday? Nuclear Dangers and Stopping a New Nuclear Arms Race Former California Governor Jerry Brown, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Co-chair and CEO, Dr. Ernest J. Moniz, and Dr. Bethany Goldblum, executive director of the NSSC 2/27/2020
Chernobyl Panel Discussion Mark Sandberg Ph.D., Jason T. Harris Ph.D., Jean L. Nakamura M.D., Alexei Yurchak Ph.D., and Massimiliano Fratoni Ph.D 2/26/2020
Radiological/nuclear emergency-response science at the Remote Sensing Laboratory Dr. Scott Suchyta, Remote Sensing Laboratory 2/11/2020
Nuclear Science, Engineering & Deterrence. A Career that Matters at Los Alamos Dr. Mark Chadwick, Chief Scientist and Chief Operating Officer, ALDX, LANL 2/10/2020
A Multimodal-Deep Learning System for Monitoring Nuclear Proliferation Activities Using Open Sources Dr. Yana Feldman, LLNL 10/30/2019
Nuclear Forensics and What it Can Tell Us about Materials from the Front End of the Uranium Fuel Cycle Dr. Naomi Marks, LLNL 11/18/2018
Is There A Light At The End Of The North Korean Nuclear Tunnel? Siegfried S. Hecker 11/15/2018
Plutonium Contamination of the Environment: What’s the Problem? Dr. Mavrik Zavarin 4/24/2018
The Implications of the Trump Nuclear Posture Review Ambassador Linton F. Brooks 3/19/2018
Is Nuclear Arms Control Dead? Dr. Michael Nacht 11/13/2017

Offerings from other NNSA Consortia:

Topic Speaker Date
Full list of videos from the Data Science Summer School ETI Data Science Summer School 8/2020
Full list of videos from the Nuclear Engineering Summer School MTV Nuclear Engineering Summer School Lectures 5/2020 – 7/2020