Experiments at the forefront of nuclear physics are an essential ingredient of the NSSC’s portfolio because they provide a broadened draw for the most talented scientists to enter NNSA related fields, and the needs of this research drives technology that will benefit the NNSA missions.

Focus area lead: Eric Norman, University of California, Berkeley

Current research includes the following at each participating institution:

University of California, Berkeley

  • Surrogate reaction studies, in collaboration with LLNL and Texas A&M University
  • Beta-delayed neutron studies, in collaboration with LLNL and ANL
  • CUORE double beta decay research, in collaboration with LLNL and LBNL
  • Anti-neutrino reactor monitoring, in collaboration with LLNL
  • Nuclear forensics, in collaboration with LLNL
  • Low background measurements, in collaboration with LBNL
  • Nuclear Data, in collaboration with LLNL and LBNL

University of California, Davis

  • Neutron activation analysis, in collaboration with UC Irvine and the McClellan Nuclear Research Center
  • LUX Dark Matter experiment, in collaboration with LLNL, LBNL and a number of other university collaborators
  • Noble Element Simulation Technique, in collaboration with LLNL, LBNL, and a number of other university collaborators

Michigan State University

  • Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking Array (GRETINA), in collaboration with LBNL
  • Modular Neutron Array (MoNA), in collaboration with NSSC Minority Serving Institution, Hampton University