Research Internship – Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator Center (BELLA)

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Spring 2020 with potential extension

An undergraduate research assistant position is available within the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium.  This position will support an experiment at the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator Center, developing mono-energetic photon sources. Such sources offer improved performance and new capabilities in preventing nuclear proliferation.  

BELLA Center researchers are developing laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) to enable compact, collimated, monoenergetic photon sources for special nuclear material (SNM) detection, as well as for nuclear physics studies, via Thomson scattering of laser light off the electron beam. This experiment system is now being commissioned.  This position will involve work laser-plasma particle acceleration and photon generation as well and photon beam measurement. Based on candidate skills and interests, focus can be on one or a combination of the elements.  


~10 hours per week, $18 per hour

Required Skills

• Undergraduate degree in progress in Nuclear Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, or related disciplines

• Strong communication skills

• Dedication, motivation, and reliability

Desired Skills

• Experience in research, especially related to laser techniques, plasma physics, or photon detection

To apply, email with a cover letter and CV. Emails should have the subject line, “BELLA Internship”. 

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