VujicJasmina Vujic, NSSC Program Director

Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering
UC Berkeley
4105 Etcheverry Hall MC 1730
Berkeley, CA 94720-1730
Phone: 510-643-8085
Fax: 510-643-9685



B.Sc. – Electrical and Nuclear Engineering, University of Belgrade, 1977
M.Sc. – Engineering Physics, University of Belgrade, 1984
M.Sc. – Nuclear Science, University of Michigan, 1987
Ph.D. – Nuclear Science, University of Michigan, 1990

Field of specialization and areas of interest

Numerical methods in reactor physics, neutron and photon transport, reactor core design and analysis, shielding and radiation protection, biomedical application of radiation, optimization techniques for vector and parallel computers

Forefront 1994 Research Highlights: Neutron Particles Under Scrutiny. This article by Nancy Bronstein in Forefront 1994 gives an overview of Professor Vujic’s work on the development of GTRAN2, a state-of-the-art reactor core modelling code.

Pro New Nuke: In April, Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, standing before members of the U.S. Congress, stated that “nuclear energy is the only non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy global demand.” In last month’s issue of Technology Review, 1960s icon Stewart Brand, creator of the Whole Earth Catalog, wrote that “the only technology ready to fill the gap and stop the carbon dioxide loading of the atmosphere is nuclear power.” Many environmentalists are none-too-thrilled at these public comments from their allies, current or former. On the other hand, UC Berkeley ProfessorJasmina Vujic is thrilled. According to her research, Moore and Brand are absolutely right.

Teaching and research

Professor Vujic teaches undergraduate courses in introduction to nuclear engineering, introduction to nuclear reactor theory, and radiation protection and control, as well as graduate courses in nuclear reactor theory, and numerical methods in reactor design and analysis. Her research interests include development of advanced numerical methods for the neutronic analysis of nuclear reactors, radiation shielding, and medical applications of radiation; neutron and photon transport theory; reactor core design and analysis; optimization techniques for vector and parallel computing systems. Recently, she and Professor Prussin developed a new Bionuclear and Radiological Physics option within the Engineering Science/ Bioengineering Program.

Specific ongoing research projects include the following

Neutronics Analysis of Fissile Material Behavior in Geologic Repositories

Computer Modeling for Radiation Diagnostic and Cancer Therapy

Development of Multiprocessor Multiassembly Neutron Transport Theory Code

Development and Validation of the GT-SCALE Code Package for Advanced Rector Core Designs

Development of a Unified Multidimensional Computational Method for Neutral Particle in Complex Non-Uniform Domains

Recent publications

Raicevic, Slavica; Wright, Judith V; Vujic, Jasmina; Conca, James L, “Prediction of the Weathering Properties of Minerals Based on the Ion-Ion Interaction Potential”, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXVIII. Vol. MRS Volume 824, pp. 455-460. 2004

D. Grgiç, D. Pevec, B. Petroviç, M. Carelli, F. Ganda, E. Padovani, C. Lombardi, F. Franceschini, W. Ambrosini, F. Oriolo, M. Miloseviç, E. Greenspan, J. Vujiç, Design of a Four-Year Straight-Burn Core for the Generation IV IRIS Reactor, 4th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 16-20, 2002

K.N. Leung, R.B. Firestone, T.P. Lou, J. Reijonen, and J. Vujic, “Compact Neutron Generators for Environmental Recovery Applications,” Environmental Recovery of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 521-528, 2002

B. Petrovic, M.D., Carelli, E. Greenspan, M. Milosevic, J. Vujic, E. Padovani, F. Ganda, “First Core and Refueling Options for IRIS,” Proc. of ICONE 10, 10th Intl. Conf. on Nuclear Engineering, April 14-18, Arlington, 2002

G.G Simon, M. Sokcic-Kostic, and J. Vujic, “Characterization of Fissile Materials in Waste Packages from the Reprocessing Plant in Karlsruhe,” Transaction Am. Nucl Soc. 86, 84-85, 2002.

M. Milosevic, E. Greenspan & J. Vujic, “A New SAS2H/KENO-V Methodology for a 3D depletion Analysis, presentation at PHYSOR2002: The Int. Conf. on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology: Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing, Seoul, Oct. 7-10, 2002.

D.L. Bleuel, W.T. Chu, R.J. Donahue, and J. Vujic, “A Benchmark of Ubertally, MCNP, and SERA in a Full BNCT Source Optimization Study,” 10th IntCongress on Neutron Capture Therapy, Essen, Sept. 8-13, 2002.