The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are organizing a day-long workshop at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to give scholars from the DNN R&D Consortia the opportunity to learn about U.S. national and nuclear security objectives in reducing global nuclear security threats. This day-long workshop will provide exposure to the DNN R&D mission and the role of LLNL in nuclear threat reduction. Scholars will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on experimental modules to gain valuable skills in R&D relevant for nuclear security and nonproliferation. This opportunity is open to scholars from all DNN R&D consortia (i.e., NSSC, MTV, and ETI). 

If you’re interested in participating, please submit the required application form. Applications are due by February 28th, 2023.

Workshop Agenda*

8:00a Registration and Refreshments
8:30a Welcome and Introductions
8:45a Overview of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9:00a TBD
9:30a Break
9:45a Hands-on Experimental Module #1
11:15a Hands-on Experimental Module #2
12:30p Lunch
1:30p Nuclear Threat Reduction Seminar
2:15p Hands-on Experimental Module #3
3:30p Hands-on Experimental Module #4
5:00p Closing Ceremony
5:30p Adjourn

*This is a provisional agenda and is subject to change as we get closer to the event

Contact or with any questions!