On September 17th, the NSSC and PNNL will be hosting an in-person info-session for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program to familiarize students with the program’s features and provide a platform for their questions. This session will be held on the UCB campus at Etcheverry Hall, CR4101, on September 17th at 12:30p PT.

The NSSC partnered with Committee on the Advancement of Women Chemists (COACh) to provide NSSC scholars with a workshop series on professional development. This year, the NSSC and COACh hosted the first two installments of this series, “The Art of Negotiation” and “Effective Scientific Presentations.” The “Art of Negotiation” workshop covered the fundamentals of negotiation, including its role in scientific research and career progression, techniques for proficiency, improved communication, conflict resolution skills, and practical applications in various situations. The “Effective Scientific Presentations” workshop was tailored for NSSC scholars who would be delivering oral presentations at this year’s UPR event and provided attendees with guidance on presenting research results.

On February 13th, BRSL will host Dr. Kimberly S. Budil, the Director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, for a discussion on the role of the national laboratories, specifically Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in today’s strategic environment. This event will be held on the UCB campus at Banatao Auditorium (Sutardja Dai Hall). For more information and to register, please visit the registration page!
Dr. Kostas Kravvaris and Dr. Sofia Quaglioni (LLNL) will be hosting a hybrid NSSC webinar on, “Predictive theory and evaluations at LLNL.” This hybrid event will be held at Etcheverry Hall (CR 1106) on the UCB campus and will also be accessible via Zoom.
Dr. Pushpa Murthy, Emeritus Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Chemistry at Michigan Technological University, hosted a virtual workshop for NSSC scholars, delving into the fundamentals of negotiation.

Mike Brown spoke at UC Berkeley on April 11, 2023 on the emerging security challenges that the United States faces in the Indo-Pacific and the role of technological innovation in strategic competition. This event was co-sponsored by the NSSC and BRSL and featured an audience Q&A.
Starting Fall 2022, the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium will be hosting a speaker series featuring new and experienced NSSC faculty and their recent research. This series will serve as a forum for collaboration amongst all NSSC universities and national laboratories and foster a bridge between academic and laboratory research. More info here.

Dr. Christopher Murphy gave a webinar on on “Novel laser-based sources and how to image them” that focused two main approaches to overcoming the wide parameter space and high shot-to-shot fluctuations observed in extreme sources. View the webinar here.

Dr. Steven Glenn gave a webinar on “Non-Destructive Characterization Techniques to Defend the US Homeland,” that focused on nondestructive characterization techniques used to secure air, land, and sea ports.