- The Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp, hosted by the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at UC San Diego, will be held from July 25 – August 4, 2021. The summer workshop-in-residence at UC San Diego, known as the Public Policy and Nuclear Threats (PPNT) Boot Camp, aims to give participants the knowledge and analytic tools to contribute to the debate on future U.S. nuclear policy. The boot camp features lectures, discussions, debates and policy simulations. Participants attend talks by distinguished researchers, academics, policy officials and operational specialists from leading universities, the National Laboratories, international organizations, government agencies dealing with nuclear threats, command and control, international safeguards, nonproliferation strategies and other nuclear issues. View agendas from previous years here.
- All info on this summer program is available here: https://igcc.ucsd.edu/training/ppnt/index.html
- NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program: June 23rd- August 6th 2020 – The NSSC-LANL Summer Program is an eight-week extended research internship hosted by the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium and Los Alamos National Laboratory. The program provides a survey of the national laboratory activities and mission space, focused research projects with a strong connection to nonproliferation science and technology, and a companion symposium series linking nuclear security science, technology, and policy. Students will have broad exposure to LANL, access to mentors from LANL and SNL, and opportunities for lab-directed research in physics, nuclear engineering and nonproliferation, intelligence and space research, international and applied technology, applied physics, national security, and more.
- CANCELLED FOR SUMMER 2020 DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS – NSSC GWU Boot Camp on Nuclear Security Policy – June 14th – 26th, 2020 – Hosted by George Washington University in Washington, DC. This two-week course will feature an intensive introduction to nuclear security for the prevention of nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear terrorism. More info pending.
Optional, highly-recommended NSSC Summer Programs:
- Nuclear Inspector School – This course is an introduction to non-destructive assay (NDA) measurement techniques that are used for nuclear material accountancy by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or within a State’s System of Accounting and Control (SSAC). The course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of gamma-ray and neutron based detection. The course will include lectures and a number of hands-on exercises in Los Alamos National Laboratory’s training facility, leveraging the exemplary expertise and resources that are also used to instruct IAEA inspectors in NDA principles each year. This course will allow students a unique opportunity to perform NDA measurements using a variety of NDA instruments such as sodium iodide systems, high-purity germanium detectors, and several types of neutron-based detectors – on a variety of nuclear materials. The training will focus on the quantitative measurements of mass and isotopic composition on uranium and plutonium items. Read more about the work of Nuclear Inspectors here.
- NSSC Virtual Lectures: August 4 – 5, 2020 – The NSSC Virtual Lectures will be held as part of the NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program and broadcast live to consortium members and friends.
- CANCELLED FOR SUMMER 2020 DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS – Scintillator Summer School at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville – June 11 – 13, 2020 (following UPR) – The scope of the 2.5 day school will include a graduate level view of the synthesis, characterization, and applications of scintillators with an emphasis on radiation detection for nuclear security but with attention given to other applications as well.
- CANCELLED FOR SUMMER 2020 DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS – Nuclear Analytical Techniques (NAT) Summer Program at UC, Davis- August 10th – 15th, 2020 – The program will consist of some lectures, but mostly hands-on activities involving nuclear analytical techniques. Students will perform Neutron Activation Analysis using the McClellan Nuclear Research Center, study proton elastic scattering at the Crocker cyclotron facility, gain experience and skills in counting with NaI and HPGe crystals, and learn about detectors and analysis techniques important across a broad range of science and industry. Note: This is an introductory course. Learn more about the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory here.
NSSC Summer Programs 2019:
- NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program: June 17 – August 9, 2019 (Required for NSSC Fellows who have not yet fulfilled summer program requirement)
- Nuclear Science and Security Consortium Boot Camp on Nuclear Security Policy: June 9 – 21, 2019.
- Nuclear Analytical Techniques Summer School, Davis, CA : August 12 – August 17, 2019.
NSSC Summer Programs 2018:
- NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program: June 18 – August 10, 2018.
- Nuclear Science and Security Consortium Boot Camp on Nuclear Security Policy: June 11 –June 22, 2018.
- Nuclear Inspector School at LANL: June 11 – June 15, 2018. This course is an introduction to non-destructive assay (NDA) measurement techniques that are used for nuclear material accountancy by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or within a State’s System of Accounting and Control (SSAC)
- Nuclear Analytical Techniques Summer School, Davis, CA : August 12 – August 17, 2018.
- Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp (PPNT) : July 29 – August 7, 2018. The summer workshop-in-residence at UC San Diego, known as the PPNT boot camp, aims to give participants the knowledge and analytic tools to contribute to the debate on future US nuclear policy. The boot camp features lectures, discussions, debates, and policy simulations. Participants attend talks by distinguished researchers, academics, policy officials, and operational specialists from leading universities, the National Laboratories, international organizations, and government agencies dealing with dealing with nuclear threats, command and control, international safeguards, nonproliferation strategies, and other nuclear issues. The course is part of long-standing IGCC work on nuclear policy issues.
NSSC Summer Programs 2017:
- NSSC LANL Keepin Nonproliferation Science Summer Program
- Nuclear Analytical Techniques Summer School, Davis, CA:
- Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp, La Jolla, CA, Summer 2017:
- Nuclear Innovation Boot Camp: To expand our ability to improve the environment and global health, a new level of innovation in Nuclear Energy is needed. Year after year, the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp trains the next generation of students in developing and executing ideas that work in the world by providing them the tools to make a real impact.
- Basics of Nuclear Reactor Operations:The University of California, Irvine (UCI) is pleased to offer an intensive two-week summer course in basic nuclear reactor operations that will prepare you with the theoretical and practical training expected by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in preparation for obtaining a Reactor Operator’s license.