A robust nuclear data process is needed to provide the information required for nonproliferation applications. To sustain the nuclear data workforce and the train the next generation of nuclear data scientists, the NSSC is organizing a summer school for students from nuclear science and engineering programs across the country. Leveraging the expertise of professors and national lab scientists across the NSSC network, the school will provide an overview of all functions that make up the nuclear data pipeline, from measuring and modeling through compilation, evaluation, validation, and uncertainty quantification. Partner institutations involved in the teaching of this summer school include:
- UC Davis
- UT Knoxville
- UC Berkeley
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Los Alamos National Lab
- Brookhaven National Lab
- Oak Ridge National Lab
In addition to a lecture series, this summer school will feature a lab practical at UC Davis’s Crocker Cyclotron Laboratory. Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a stacked foil charged particle irradiation experiment. Students will contribute to potentially publishable work and will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the school.
All students from the nuclear science community are well to apply. Priority must be given to NSSC-affiliated students, but all applications are welcome and will be considered. Please fill out the application form below. The application will ask you to upload a professionally-formatted CV detailing your academic and research background.
For NSSC-affiliated students, your travel expenses will be funded by the NSSC at your home institution. For external applicants, you will need to cover your travel expenses independently (please consult with your academic advisor).
This agenda is currently being planned and is subject to change.
Lecturers will be listed once they are confirmed.

This school and the support for its organization, its lecturers, and its affiliated students was generously provided by the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration through the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium under Awards Numbered DE-NA0003180 and DE-NA0003996. Additional support was generously provided by the Norwegian Research Council through an INTPART award to the Nuclear Energy and Physics Group at the University of Oslo and through a grant by the Peder Sather Center at the University of California, Berkeley that enabled an international body of students to attend this school.