To support our partners in the transition to holding all classes online in response to COVID-19 the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium has compiled relevant recorded lessons to be utilized in class discussions:
Topic | Speaker | Date |
Training and Education on: – Actinide Chemistry – Environmental Radiochemistry/Bioassay – Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Nuclear Forensics – Environmental and Regulatory Radiochemistry – Radiopharmaceuticals |
National Analytical Management Program | Ongoing |
Protactinium Production in Leading Thorium Fuel Cycles | Eva Uribe, SNL | 4/9/2021 |
A journey from 0.5 km underground to 36,000 km above Earth | Caleb Roecker, LANL | 4/7/2021 |
Career Paths in Nuclear Engineering: Supporting the Global Nonproliferation Regime | Karen Miller, LANL | 3/31/2021 |
Current Activities in Nuclear Nonproliferation and Global Security | Morris Hassler, Senior Director, Global Security & Strategic Partnerships for Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC | 3/22/2021 |
Aligning Science and Policy to Address Nuclear Challenges | Corey Hinderstein, Vice President of International Fuel Cycle Strategies at the Nuclear Threat Initiative | 3/17/2021 |
Applied Gamma Spectroscopy using InterSpec | Will Johnson Staff Physicist at SNL | 3/15/2021 |
Spectroscopic and other analytical methods to study high temperature chemistry | David Weisz Staff Scientist at LLNL |
3/9/2021 |
Application of Computer Vision in Gamma-ray Imaging | Daniel Hellfeld Senior Scientific Engineering Associate in the Applied Nuclear Physics program at LBNL |
2/23/2021 |
From Nuclear Weapons Policy to Safeguards | Sarah Laderman, IAEA | 2/9/2021 |
How to Tell a Story | John Mecklin, the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | 2/1/2021 |
NSSC Sponsored Graduate Level Course – “Nuclear Security, The Nexus Between Policy and Technology” | Prof. Michael Nacht and Prof. Karl van Bibber | Spring 2021 |
Examining the Cognitive Impacts of Errors from Deep Learning Systems for International Nuclear Safeguards | Zoe Gastelum, SNL | 11/12/2020 |
Negotiating the New START Treaty | Dr. Mona Dreicer, CGSR, LLNL | 11/09/2020 |
Reactor Monitoring with Antineutrinos | Dr. Tomi Akindele, LLNL | 10/7/2020 |
Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy | Francis J. Gavin, SAIS-Johns Hopkins University | 10/5/2020 |
Machine Learning approach to Nuclear Threat Detection | Dr. Simon Labov, LLNL | 9/28/2020 |
Next-Generation Laser Plasma Spectroscopy Technologies for Nuclear Security | Dr. Vassilia Zorba, LBNL | 9/14/2020 |
Nondestructive Assay for International Safeguards | Dr. Alexis Trahan, LANL | 8/5/2020 |
Containment/Surveillance | Dr. Heidi Smartt, SNL | 8/4/2020 |
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni, UCB | 8/2020 |
The International Nonproliferation Regime (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Laura Rockwood, Director at Open Nuclear Network | 8/2020 |
Safeguarding Nuclear Material: Monitoring and Verification (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Dr. Mark Schanfein, Senior Nonproliferation Advisor at Idaho National Laboratory | 8/2020 |
Nuclear Weapons 101 (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Dr. John Scott, LANL | 8/2020 |
Nuclear Policy and Deterrence (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Dr. Susan J. Koch, Independent Consultant and Distinguished Research Fellow at the National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction | 8/2020 |
Nuclear Challenges from Russia (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Dr. Celeste Wallander, President and CEO of the U.S. Russia Foundation | 8/2020 |
Arms Control 101 (audio only) Courtesy of IGCC & PPNT 2020 | Ambassador Linton Brooks | 8/2020 |
Uranium Metal Dissolution and Phase Separation Experiment | Members of the UNLV Radiochemistry PhD Program | 6/2020 |
Ion Exchange of Thorium 232 and its Progeny Isotopes | Members of the UNLV Radiochemistry PhD Program | 6/2020 |
Nuclear North Korea | Manseok Lee, UCB | 4/22/2020 |
The Iran Case | Dr. Michael Nacht, UCB | 4/18/2020 |
21st Century Deterence | Dr. Sheryl Hingorani, SNL | 4/6/2020 |
Extended Deterence | Dr. Brad Roberts, LLNL | 3/30/2020 |
Origins of International Safeguards | Dr. George Moore, MIIS | 3/18/2020 |
Nuclear Weapon Physics | Dr. Karl van Bibber, UCB | 3/16/2020 |
Using Data Competitions to Crowdsource Innovative Solutions to Urban Radiation Detection Problems | Dr. Christine Anderson-Cook, LANL | 3/2/2020 |
How Close to Doomsday? Nuclear Dangers and Stopping a New Nuclear Arms Race | Former California Governor Jerry Brown, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Co-chair and CEO, Dr. Ernest J. Moniz, and Dr. Bethany Goldblum, executive director of the NSSC | 2/27/2020 |
Chernobyl Panel Discussion | Mark Sandberg Ph.D., Jason T. Harris Ph.D., Jean L. Nakamura M.D., Alexei Yurchak Ph.D., and Massimiliano Fratoni Ph.D | 2/26/2020 |
Radiological/nuclear emergency-response science at the Remote Sensing Laboratory | Dr. Scott Suchyta, Remote Sensing Laboratory | 2/11/2020 |
Nuclear Science, Engineering & Deterrence. A Career that Matters at Los Alamos | Dr. Mark Chadwick, Chief Scientist and Chief Operating Officer, ALDX, LANL | 2/10/2020 |
A Multimodal-Deep Learning System for Monitoring Nuclear Proliferation Activities Using Open Sources | Dr. Yana Feldman, LLNL | 10/30/2019 |
Nuclear Forensics and What it Can Tell Us about Materials from the Front End of the Uranium Fuel Cycle | Dr. Naomi Marks, LLNL | 11/18/2018 |
Is There A Light At The End Of The North Korean Nuclear Tunnel? | Siegfried S. Hecker | 11/15/2018 |
Plutonium Contamination of the Environment: What’s the Problem? | Dr. Mavrik Zavarin | 4/24/2018 |
The Implications of the Trump Nuclear Posture Review | Ambassador Linton F. Brooks | 3/19/2018 |
Is Nuclear Arms Control Dead? | Dr. Michael Nacht | 11/13/2017 |
Offerings from other NNSA Consortia:
Topic | Speaker | Date |
Full list of videos from the Data Science Summer School | ETI Data Science Summer School | 8/2020 |
Full list of videos from the Nuclear Engineering Summer School | MTV Nuclear Engineering Summer School Lectures | 5/2020 – 7/2020 |