The 2016 Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp was hosted by the NSSC and the Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation at UC San Diego from June 19-29, 2016. This year’s cohort featured NSSC students from four partner institutions, as well as social science students and young professionals from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, NNSA, Georgetown University, Yale University, and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, among others. Participants engaged in lectures, discussion, simulations, and hands-on activities led by experts from academia, the national laboratories, government, and international organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency. They also toured a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered fast attack submarine. NSSC students and staff are shown above with Prof. Scott Sagan, a speaker at the Boot Camp on nuclear motivations.
“The most positive experience was the involvement in discussions of real world issues. I expected the lectures to be just academic and fundamental, but instead the talks were tailored towards specific issues in policy, and the students were heavily involved in back-and-forth discussion. This made me feel quite immersed in the issues, which is especially impressive since I come from a technical, scientific background.” – Participant, 2016 Cohort

Slideshow of PPNT, 2016: