Peer-Reviewed Publications for NSSC3
October 2023 – September 2024 (NSSC3 Year 3):
- Bernard, E. P., Mizrachi, E., Kingston, J., Xu, J., Переверзев, С. В., Pershing, T., Smith, R., Prior, C. G., Bowden, N. S., Bernstein, A., Hall, C., E. Pantic, Tripathi, M., McKinsey, D. N., & Barbeau, P. S. (2023). Thermodynamic stability of xenon-doped liquid argon detectors. Physical Review C, 108(4).
- Nicholas Carrara, “Visualization and efficient generation of constrained high-dimensional theoretical parameter spaces,” Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 62, October 2023.
- James Kingston, Jingke Xu, Mani Tripathi, et al., “Search for the Migdal effect in liquid xenon with keV-level nuclear recoils,” Physical Review D, Volume 109, March 2024.
October 2022 – September 2023 (NSSC3 Year 2):
October 2021 – September 2022 (NSSC3 Year 1):
- T. Pershing, J. Xu, E. Bernard, J. Kingston, E. Mizrachi, J. Brodsky, A. Razeto, P. Kachru, A. Bernstein, E. Pantic, I. Jovanovic, “Performance of Hamamatsu VUV4 SiPMs for detecting liquid argon scintillation”, JINST 17 P04017 (2022)
- A.Allega, et al., “Improved search for invisible modes of nucleon decay in water with the SNO+ detector”, Phys. Rev. D 105, 112012 (2022)
- Kingston, James. “Calibrating the scintillation and ionization responses of xenon recoils for high-energy dark matter searches”: Phys. Rev. D 106, 052013, Published 30 September 2022.
- Kingston, James. “Thermodynamic Stability of Xenon-Doped Liquid Argon Detectors”: Not yet published, 12 September 2022:
Peer-Reviewed Publications for NSSC2
October 2020 – September 2021:
- Benjamin Godfrey, J. Anthony Tyson, Seth Hillbrand, Jon Balajthy, Daniel Polin, S. Mani Tripathi, Shelby Klomp, Joseph Levine, Nate MacFadden, Brian H. Kolner, Molly R. Smith, Paul Stucky, Arran Phipps, Peter Graham, Kent Irwin, “Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter: Dark E-Field Radio Pilot Experiment”
- Steven Gardiner. “Nuclear de-excitations in low-energy charged-current νe scattering on 40Ar” Phys. Rev. C 103, 044604 – Published 5 April 2021
- SNO+ collaboration, “Development, characterisation, and deployment of the SNO+ liquid scintillator”. 2021 JINST 16 P05009
- Godfrey B, Tyson JA, Hillbrand S, Balajthy J, Polin D, Tripathi SM, Klomp S, Levine J, MacFadden N, Kolner BH, Smith MR), “Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter: Dark E-Field Radio Pilot Experiment.” Phys. Rev. D 104, 012013
October 2019 – September 2020:
- Postdocs Leon Picard and Vincent Fischer, and Grads Teal Pershing and Stephan Gardiner: A.R. Back, et al. “Measurement of beam-correlated background neutrons from the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam in ANNIE Phase-I,” JINST 15 P03011
- Postdoc Leon Picard and Grad Teal Pershing: M.R. Anderson, et al. “Measurement of neutron-proton capture in the SNO+ water phase,” Phys. Rev. C 102, 014002 (2020)
- Postdoc Leon Picard: M.Askins, et al., “THEIA: an advanced optical neutrino detector,” European Physics Journal C, 80 416 (2020)
- Grad. Jacob Cutter. Akerib et al. “Extending light WIMP searches to single scintillation photons in LUX”. Phys. Rev. D 101, 042001 (February/2020).
- Grad. Jacob Cutter. Akerib et al. “First direct detection constraint on mirror dark matter kinetic mixing using LUX 2013 data”. Phys. Rev. D 101, 012003 (January/2020).
- Grad. Jacob Cutter. Akerib et al. “Projected WIMP sensitivity of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment”. Phys. Rev. D 101, 052002 (March/2020).
- Fischer V. and Tiras E., “Water-based Liquid Scintillator Detector as a New Technology Testbed for Neutrino Studies in Turkey”, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 969 (2020) 163931
- Fischer, V. and He, J. et al., “Development of an ion exchange resin for gadolinium-loaded water.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods (Jan/2020).
October 2018 – September 2019:
- Fischer V., Pagani L., Pickard L., Couture A., Gardiner S., Grant C., He J., Johnson T., Pantic E., Prokop C., Svoboda R., Ullmann J., Wang J., “Measurement of the neutron capture cross section on argon.”, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.10, 103021.
- Fischer V., Pagani L., Pickard L., Grant C., He J., Pantic E., Svoboda R., Ullmann J., Wang J., “Absolute Calibration of the DANCE Thermal Neutron Beam using Sodium Activation.”, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A929 (2019) 97-100.
October 2017 – September 2018:
- Godfrey, B., Anderson, T., Breedon, E., Cutter, J., Dhaliwal, N., Dalager, O., Hillbrand, S., Irving, M., Manalaysay, A., Montoya, J., Morad, J., Neher, C., Stolp, D., Tripathi M., Wilson, R.), “On the Evaluation of Silicon Photomultipliers for Use as Photosensors in Liquid Xenon Detectors.” Journal of Instrumentation, 13 (03/2018).
- J. Cutter, B. Godfrey, S. Hillbrand, M. Irving, A. Manalaysay, Z. Minaker, J. Morad and M. Tripathi. “Development of a tagged source of Pb-206 nuclei”. Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 13 (February 2018).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “Position reconstruction in LUX”. Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 13 (February 2018).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “3D modeling of electric fields in the LUX detector”. Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 12 (November 2017).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “83mKr calibration of the 2013 LUX dark matter search”. Phys. Rev. D 96, 112009 (December 2017).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “Ultralow energy calibration of LUX detector using 127Xe electron capture”. Phys. Rev. D 96, 112011 (December 2017).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “Calibration, event reconstruction, data analysis, and limit calculation for the LUX dark matter experiment”. Phys. Rev. D 97, 102008 (May 2018).
- D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration). “Liquid xenon scintillation measurements and pulse shape discrimination in the LUX dark matter detector”. Phys. Rev. D 97, 112002 (June 2018).
October 2016 – September 2017:
- P. Agnes et al. (Tessa Johnson) [DarkSide Collaboration], “Effect of Low Electric Fields on Alpha Scintillation Light Yield in Liquid Argon,” JINST 12, no. 01, P01021 (2017)
- J. B. Albert et al. [EXO-200 Collaboration], “Measurement of the Drift Velocity and Transverse Diffusion of Electrons in Liquid Xenon with the EXO-200 Detector,” Phys. Rev. C 95, no. 2, 025502 (2017)
- J.B.Albert et al, [EXO-200 collaboration], “Searches for Double Beta Decay of 134Xe with EXO-200″
- Akerib, D. et al. “Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross section obtained from the complete LUX exposure”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 251302 (June/2017).
- Akerib, D. et al. “First Searches for Axions and Axion-Like Particles with the LUX Experiment”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 261301 (June/2017).
- Anderson, T., Cutter, J., Dhaliwal, N., Dalager, O., Godfrey, B., Hillbrand, S., Irving, M., Manalaysay, A., Montoya, J., Morad, J., Neher, C., Stolp, D., Tripathi, M. “Evaluation of Silicon Photomultipliers for use as Photosensors in Liquid Xenon Detectors”. arXiv:1706.05371, Instrumentation and Detectors (June/2017).
- LUX collaboration, “Results from a search for dark matter in the complete LUX exposure”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (Jan/2017).
- LUX collaboration, “Signal yields, energy resolution, and recombination fluctuations in liquid xenon”, Phys. Rev. D 95 (Jan/2017)
Peer-Reviewed Publications for NSSC1
September 2015 – August 2016 Publications:
- B. Lenardo, K. Kazkaz, A. Manalaysay, J. Mock, M. Szydagis, M. Tripathi, “A Global Analysis of Light and Charge Yields in Liquid Xenon”, In Press, IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science, Sep 2015.
- The LUX collaboration, D.S. Akerib et al., “Radiogenic and muon-induced backgrounds in the LUX dark matter detector,” Astroparticle Physics, 62(201)
- R.Svoboda, et al. “Physics Potential of a Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using J-PARC Neutrino Beam and Hyper-Kamiokande,” Prog.Theo.&Exp.Phys,053C02(2015)
- H.M. David et al. (L.Bernstein), “Decay and Fission Hindrance of Two- and Four-Quasiparticle K Isomers in Rf254”,”Phys.Rev.Lett.115,132
- R.Massarczyk et al. (L.Bernstein),”Dipole strength distribution of Ge74″.Phys.Rev.C 92,044309(2015).
- F. Giacoppo et al. (L. Bernstein),”γ decay from the quasicontinuum of 197, 198Au”. Phys.Rev. C 91,054327
- D. Stolp, O. Dalager, N. Dhaliwal, B. Godfrey, M. Irving, K. Kazkaz, A. Manalaysay, C. Neher, S. Stephenson, M. Tripathi, “An Estimation of Photon Scattering Length in Tetraphenylbutadiene”, Journal of Instrumentation 11.03 (2016): C03025.
- Position Reconstruction of Bubble Formation in Liquid Nitrogen using Piezoelectric Sensors
- Y.Abe, et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration) “Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector”, Phys. Rev. C 93, 054608 (2016).
September 2014-August 2015 Publications:
- Y.Abe, R. Svoboda et al. “Improved Measurements of the Mixing Angle Theta13 with the Double Chooz Detector”, JHEP, 10 (2014) 086, OCTOBER 2014
- Y.Abe, R. Svoboda et al.,”Ortho-Positronium Observation in the Double Chooz Experiment”, JHEP, 1410 (2014) 032 OCTOBER 2014
September 2013-August 2014 Publications:
- A. Askew, S. Chauhan, B. Penning, W. Shepherd, M. Tripathi, “Searching for dark matter at hadron colliders,” Int. J. of Modern Physics, A29, 23, 1430041
- B. Lenardo et al., A Global Analysis of Light and Charge Yields in Liquid Xenon, Submitted to Phys. Rev. D; e-Print: arXiv:1412.4417 [astro-ph.IM and physics.ins-det]
- D.S. Akerib et al., LUX Collaboration, “Radiogenic and Muon-‐Induced Backgrounds in the LUX Dark Matter Detector,” Astroparticle Physics, 62, pp 33-‐46.
- J. Mock et. al, Modeling pulse characteristics in Xenon with NEST, JINST 9 T04002 (2014).
- M. Syzdagis, Enhancement of NEST Capabilities for Simulating LowEnergy Recoils in Liquid Xenon, JINST 8 C10003 (2013)
Conference Proceedings and Other Publications
September 2016 – August 2017 Publications:
- Anderson, T., Cutter, J., Dhaliwal, N., Dalager, O., Godfrey, B., Hillbrand, S., Irving, M., Manalaysay, A., Montoya, J., Morad, J., Neher, C., Stolp, D., Tripathi, M. “Evaluation of Silicon Photomultipliers for use as Photosensors in Liquid Xenon Detectors”. arXiv:1706.05371, Instrumentation and Detectors (June/2017).
- Akerib et al., “Signal yields, energy resolution, and recombination fluctuations in liquid xenon.” arXiv:1610.02076 (October 2016).
September 2014 – August 2015 Publications:
September 2013 – August 2014 Publications:
- M.bergevin, C.Grant, and R.Svoboda, “Potential sterile neutrino search utilizing spectral distortion in a two-reactor/one-detector configuration”, arxiv 1303.0310, March 1, 2013.
- Szydagis et al., NEST: A Comprehensive Model for Scintillation Yield in Liquid Xenon, 2011 JINST 6 P10002; e-Print: arXiv:1106.1613 [physics.ins-det]