Computing and Optimization in Nuclear Applications is a crosscutting area for all aspects of nuclear security.
Computing and Optimization in Nuclear Applications is truly a crosscutting theme in all aspects of nuclear security. At the precipice of the exascale computing era, our innovation in CONA methodologies will efficiently utilize increased complexity in supercomputer architectures to advance monitoring, characterization, enhanced lab analysis, signature discovery, and safeguards, as well as the control and design of nuclear systems. Dramatic increases in simulation capabilities and computational methods (e.g. AI/ML) will accelerate the pace of scientific discovery in fundamental sciences and assist engineers in designing and optimizing nuclear security and nonproliferation systems with drastically improved performance, safety, and efficiency. Through engagement in crosscutting CONA research, students will develop the ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams as well as an understanding of the fundamental nuclear phenomena that underpin cutting-edge computational models and optimized nuclear systems.
Key Personnel:
- Crosscutting Focus Area Leads: Vladimir Sobes and Sandra Bogetic University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Optimization for Energy Spectra