This course was held in Spring 2018. Recorded Lectures are all available here.
About: From experiment to radiation transport calculations Nuclear data is the foundation of all radiation transport calculations. Nuclear data research is where raw experimental data meets state-of-the-art physical models and gets folded into a single nuclear data evaluation that is released to the end-user community. Nuclear data users include fission and fusion research, medical research, nuclear astrophysics and many others. This course covers the techniques currently applied in nuclear data evaluation.
- Lawerence Heilbronn – Associate Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Vladimir Sobes – Research and Development Staff Member in the Nuclear Data and Criticality Safety group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Recommended Reading: A. Foderaro, “The Elements of Neutron Interaction Theory”, MIT Press, 1971.