ShareDetection of Nuclear ProliferationNetwork Science Idea ChallengePrize: $2,000Deadline: July 15, 2015(Winners will be announced on August 15, 2015)Sponsored by the United States Department of EnergyDefense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D
Nuclear nonproliferation encompasses many networks: power-generation reactors to mining, transport, conversion, enrichment, and storage networks. Financial, industrial, communications, sensor, knowledge, and accountancy networks all tie in. So do political, social, and professional networks. Multiple networks with multiple interdependencies. The idea challenge is to formulate a problem in nonproliferation, proliferation detection, or treaty monitoring and verification that could (possibly) be solved with a network science approach. The problem should be one that would be otherwise difficult to approach.Submit a 3-5 page white paper describing your idea and submit it in PDF format to James Kornell (korneljm@nv.doe.gov) by the deadline.For more information, see the attached guidelines.Eligibility:
- Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs at UCSB, the Middlebury (Monterey) Institute of International Studies, and NSSC academic institutions (UCB, UCD, UCI, UNLV, MSU, WUSTL) are eligible to apply.
- No citizenship restriction
- Teamwork is encouraged; submit only one white paper per team