As a part of the NSSC-Minority Serving Institution Collaboration, Paul Gueye from Hampton University and Michael Thoennessen from Michigan State University worked as partners on research conducted at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory.
As a part of this collaboration, during 2013-2015 academic years, NSSC funding supported Mr. Adeleke Adeyemi, PhD student at Hampton University, to assist Ms. Jessica Freeman in her data analysis and simulation work at NSCL. Adeyemi’s work focuses on the production of a highly polarized positron beam using polarized electrons at MeV energies in the CEBAF injector at Jefferson Lab. A PRL has been published from the results of this proof-of-principle experiment.
Read the PRL article here.
The PRL has been highlighted as an Editor’s Suggestion, is featured on the Jefferson Lab home page, and as breaking news on EurekAlert!.
This work is part of the NSSC-MSI Collaboration. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage participation of talented researchers and students from Minority Serving Institutions in NNSA missionĀ relevant science by joint partnerships with the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium.