On April 30th, at 11 am PST, a recruitment session will be held for graduate students interested in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP) for 2022. The fellowship seeks highly motivated graduate-level students to grow as the next generation of nuclear security leaders. The one-year, salaried (with benefits) fellowships offer:
• Hands-on experience in nuclear security and nonproliferation;
• Career development, professional networking, and specialized training events; and
• Extensive interaction and collaboration with leading national security technology and policy experts.
Positions are open to students actively pursuing their master’s or doctoral degree as well as students who have achieved their graduate degree within the past 18 months. Details about the program can be found on the web site at http://ngfp.pnnl.gov The current application deadline is October 1, 2021 for positions that will begin in June 2022.
To join the meeting click here.