Bill Strunk, NSSC Lab Mentor, receives the ORNL Director’s Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishments in Science and Technology

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Bill Strunk, who serves as the lab mentor for several NSSC Students, was named as ORNL’s top scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratories Awards. Strunk receieved the Director’s Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology in recognition of his leadership in the Laboratory’s uranium science and engineering programs

Read the full article here


Stephan Friedrich, LLNL to speak at NSSC

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Stephan Friedrich of LLNL will be speaking at the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium on December 1st, 2016 at 1:00pmPST. Friedrich will be discussing “Cryogenic Gamma-Ray Detectors with Ultra-High Energy Resolution”. This talk will discuss the design and performance of MMC gamma detectors at LLNL, and outlines experiments that can serve as thesis projects for graduate students who are interested in ultra-high resolution detector development.

The talk will be broadcast live at:

After the live broadcast, a recording will be hosted on NSSC’s YouTube Channel.




Representatives from the Tokyo Institute of Technology visit the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium

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The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium welcomed Professor Obara, from the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, and the Institute of Innovative Research at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Professor Obara’s visit allowed for a conversation and deeper understanding of the mission and work of the NSSC.
Professor Obara meets with NSSC Director, Professor Vujic at the NSSC.
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