Livermore Scholar Graduate Program

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The Livermore Graduate Scholar Program (LGSP) and its predecessor programs have played a critical role for many years in helping to recruit new scientific and engineering talent to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Top PhD students are granted appointments of up to three years, with a 4th year approved on a case by case basis, to engage in research activities of interest to the Laboratory while completing their thesis.

A key feature of the program is the triad relationship between the student, the university faculty advisor, and the Laboratory technical supervisor. This team will jointly plan and execute the student’s research training program. The Lab technical supervisor is a scientist or engineer and should ideally be a member of the student’s thesis committee. The LLNL technical supervisor must be a part of this team prior to the student’s application. The student’s success and the technical benefit to LLNL depend upon the close, productive relationships of these three partners. Joint publications, which include the three members of the LGSP team, will be the primary evidence that this relationship is working properly. The LGSP management and staff pay close attention to assuring that the student is progressing as planned through the course of the three-year appointment. Once accepted into the LGSP, the student is expected to perform the majority of his or her training and research at the Laboratory. Our expectation for a successful proposal is that the student will spend a minimum of 50% of the calendar year at LLNL, though scheduling is flexible. LGSP students receive a highly competitive salary. Final Scholar selections are made on a competitive basis.

All info here:


DOE NNSA University Program Review 2019

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The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC) participated in the annual Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D) University Program Review (UPR) meeting from June 4-6, 2019 in Raleigh, North Carolina, hosted by North Carolina State University.

Victoria Franques welcomes attendants to the UPR 2019 meeting at the Marriot Crabtree Valley Hotel, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 4, 2019

The UPR focused on the work of the NSSC as well as the Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities (CNEC) and the Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT). These consortia, funded by DNN R&D as part of the Integrated University Program (IUP) with DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, have a mission to develop the nation’s intellectual capital in nuclear science and engineering.

9 finalists were recognized for outstanding oral presentation (3 from each of the 3 consortia). 3 students from the group were awarded for Best Oral Presentation (1 from each consortia). Additionally, 3 students, 1 from each consortia, were recognized for Best National Laboratory Collaboration

The event was attended by students, faculty, national laboratory scientists, and DOE NNSA program officials. Students presented on their research and contributions to the NNSA mission. NSSC Student Fellows and Affiliates presented 18 oral presentations and 30 poster presentations.

Rebecca Krentz-Wee and Eric Matthews both won awards at the University Program Review 2019.

Eric Matthews, of the University of California, Berkeley was awarded best national laboratory collaboration for NSSC. Eric is working on the development of the fast loading user facility for fission yields. This project seeks to develop an experimental facility and capabilities that will allow for the cyclical irradiation of fissionable samples. The gamma emissions from these irradiated samples will be used to infer both independent and cumulative fission yields. These efforts will assist an upcoming fission yield evaluation. Eric works with Lee Bernstein at LBNL, and Anton Tonchev at LLNL.

Rebecca Krentz-Wee of the University of California, Berkeley, was awarded best oral presentation for NSSC. Rebecca presented on her work on Warhead Verification using Time-Encoded Imaging. Rebecca works at LLNL with Peter Marleau.

Jacob Cutter of the University of California, Davis, was awarded Best Poster Presentation for NSSC. Jacob presented on the Measurement of Pb-206 Nuclear Recoil Response in Liquid Xenon.

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