The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium is delighted to celebrate the commencement of its third performance period. Our new team of now 11 universities is working to build a strong pipeline of new technical talent for U.S. DOE national laboratories while engaging in research and development (R&D) in nuclear science, security, and proliferation detection. This event marks the formal introduction of our new team to the academic and lab communities, and also serves as the annual meeting of our External Advisory Board.
The NSSC3 Kickoff and Advisory Board Meeting scheduled for April 19-20, 2022 will be a fully virtual event. This live online event will include an introduction to our new university partners and research directions, a survey of past accomplishments, and showcase the excellent research conducted by our NSSC Scholars in cooperation with the national labs. A detailed agenda is forthcoming.
To register for the meeting, click HERE.

DRAFT Agenda